"These are the words that emanates from my heart, as i work, rest, sleep, wake and keep breathing. If it pleases you, take your portion and make reservation for others even yet unborn. It is a path..."
1. ''Be careful, for your choices might affect others. The weak ones may fall.
2. ''When you have a visitor, give him your bed and lay on the floor, by that, you will get all the blessings he holds.
3. ''If the friends of your friend treat you bad, ask your friend. For he was never a good ambassador.
4. The one that answers your greetings first in a crowd is the one that cares about you most.
5. ''Never underestimate the power of information; it is your weapon through the phases of life.''
6. ''Never speak what you do not understand, when it stands, it shall rise against you.''
7. ''Our taste is our status.''
‘’If Nigeria were a Chess board, which of its character would you
rather be? A king, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, or a Pawn? Choose your
9. “All the nations of the world are
brothers, born of one father. When they strive, you may wonder. But even
of the same mother we still strive.’’
10. “There is
no man on earth that knows everything. Whenever you turn, there is
something new to learn. Know the ones you know very well – you can never
know all.”
11. “We can have a beautiful life here on earth. What are we looking for? Is it damnation it is closer than a touch.”
12. “In life, there is nothing as close, as important as a family. The love of a family is uncompromisable.”
13. “If you think loving is difficult, try hating. It will kill your soul alive.”
14. ''Waiting is difficult. Whoever can wait is liable to succeed. This
is one of the greatest tests of ability. Wait! You'll certainly get
their - You have to believe."
15. "If not greater
than such do we call 'Role Models'; Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln,
Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton... Before these were greater men. Jesus is
the greatest of all - for he lives forever.''
16. "We all wait sometimes; life is like that most times. Not all is lost"
"Let's start rebuilding our nation to make it more habitable. Whatever
we quest outside its shores we can bring home - even the snows. All we
need is a great determination'' 26/10/07
“Life is just for a short while, in no time all will fade away just
like yesterday. Be a wonder when you live, for when you fade your memory
will remain like the stars. Be a wonder!”
19. “There are more words spoken in the silence of your lips that pierces the heart of your adversaries.”
20. ''Whoever is on a trail is left behind.'' - 01/04/10, 12:05 AM
21. "Your love is your weakness.''
22. ''I have looked and seen. No man born of a woman has lived forever upon this earth."
“Where you are, you must build and be happy in it while you live, for
when your time comes to depart you will be glad you were a good
laborer.'' - 25/04/10
24. ''A third world war must not
come, if it does come, it shall destroy souls upon the earth like never
before recorded. This war will be a nuclear war and for the first to
shoot a head may not live to tell.'' 25/04/10, 11:35 PM
25. ''Good or bad, pick your lessons. Life is a tidal wave'' 29/07/10, 5:37 PM
26. ''Gather all, choose, and throw the rest to the wind''. 29/07/10, 5:39PM
27. "To face the future, you'll have to conquer the enemies within your friends.'' 01/08/10, 11:06PM
''Whatever interests you about me, good or bad. It took a route to get
their. The bad are not my desire, only what I could not control.''
7/8/10, 7:28PM
29. "For all the good I posses came
through the hardest route I found. Take the good and not the route if
you mustn't.'' 7/8/10, 7:30PM
30. "A mosquito knows when you are watching and will never come back the same way to bite. 10/8/10, 11:41PM
"If you are looking for the direction the mosquito will take to return,
you will not sleep, only strike where it bites to get your repose.
11/8/10, 5:46AM
32. “In the years of life’s
recklessness there was no fear, only to be born in the years of
humility. Then, much courage is required. 11/8/10, 9:06AM
AS I END MY SPEECH: "I trust God Most High. He has brought me this far
and will take me to the very end. God bless Nigeria, God bless Africa,
God bless the World. 14/08/10, 6:31AM
34. ''Some darkness are heavy enough to petrify the soul" 14/8/10, 6:02PM
35. "In the presence of light, the soul is unchained from the bondage of illusion the darkness presents." 14/8/10, 6:15 PM
36. "A mistake may not present itself a good teacher to many, for not all live to tell it." 15/8/10, 12:05 PM
37. "Anger not an old man, for he commands the strategies to assassinate your personalities.'' 15/8/10, 5:15 Pm
"It requires much energy to exercise anger such that when channeled to
good ventures yield better results.'' 16/08/10, 6:30 PM
39. "My youth was my vanity. I spent it well.'' 17th. August.2010, 5:08 PM (MY BIRTHDAY)
"What you seek, when found or not, you will leave it all and another
will seek in another time. The cycle of life is not broken till the sun
falls from the sky. 18/8/10, 6:03 PM
41. "Better, a thousand broken relationships than one broken marriage.'' 19/8/10, 5:21 PM
42. ''Worse, a broken marriage than a thousand broken relationships.'' - Reversed 41.
''When things desired becomes very hard to obtain, it only means that
they are too good. Good things will never come cheaply.'' 19/8/10
44. "He that loves with all of his heart knows exactly how much he is loved back." 21/8/10, 5:00 PM
45. "To test a true love, you must love with all you are.'' 21/8/10
46. "If you are playing love, you will get played at the long run.'' 21/8/10, 5:07PM
47. "A good man is one that takes upon himself the shame of others.'' 21/8/10, 6:58 PM
48. “Even the trader's friend is not spared by the trader when it comes to gains.'' 21/8/10, 7:03 PM
"The maidenhead recognizes and can not forget the first, may be with
the second - different from the first. For the memory to be pleasant for
a life time, the husband is first and second to none. 23/8/10, 7:17 PM
50. ''Good friends invite you home to meet their family; for they are friends at home even as members.'' - 24/08/10, 11:02 AM
“If you meet a man that speaks ill of his family, be sure he is only
getting ready to publish your history in the book of curses.” 24/8/10,
5:19 PM
52. “If your friend is a rumour carrier, be sure you will soon hear of your death’s anniversary” 5:29 PM
53. “The errors in experience are enormous, too heavy for the journey.
But in the course, lessons are picked and absorbed, such that at the end
of each phase mastery is attained.” 5:42 PM, 24/08/10
54. “The higher you attain in the quest of knowledge the more your problems expound.” – 25/8/10, 7:20 AM
55. “As you grow out of the years of innocence you begin to wish you were reborn.” – 25/8/10, 7:25 AM
56. “An emotional person is a fuel that consumes even the fire that kindled it.” 27/08/10, 7:09 AM
Men always seek for what to worship. When they find-They become
critics. When they do not-They become more confused, except they found
truth.” 7:20 AM
58. Only a man dying in peace knows how sweet it is to say good bye to the earth’’ 7:28 AM
“Only on the lips of a dying wicked man whose grace of confession is
taken will you know how foolish the earthlings are.” 7:31 AM
60. “Except forgiveness is found, the ending is unhappy” 7:38AM
61. “To obtain mercy and grace, confession is by the seconds. But in all these, sovereign purpose succeeds.” 7:40 AM
62. “Be wise, even in the wisdom of the serpent, for at the end of the strait lurks craftiness. 7:49AM,
“A friend that you’ll need to choose your words in his/her presence is
not worth it. Friends find the humour in every word.” 28/08/10, 9:24 AM
64. “If you’ll have to lie to gain acceptance, know that you are already unacceptable.” 28/08/10, 9:24 AM
65. “Wisdom is no kinsman of lies.” 7:39 PM, 28/08/10
66. “At the peak of every career awaits madness, it becomes the overwhelming price.” 11:05PM
“In the pursuits of life; at the point where focus becomes sharpest and
determination highest. Such is the hour to apply absolute constraints.”
11:14 PM
68. “If you say there is no such thing as a
perfect person – Be the first. However, we are expected, thus, it is
possible. See: Mt 5:48. 29/08/10, 8:20 AM
69. “You are my light in the darkest of places
Where all other lights fail
You are the life in my blood
That causes me to breathe
You are the strength in me
That places my foot upon the grounds to tread
Yet! You live in me” - Sun, Aug 29. 8:13 PM
“In the field of battle, the fall of a general or a captain does not
end the battle. A lieutenant is trained to take over command till all is
won.” 29/08/10, 9:16 PM
71. '' A real ambitious man is a virus that can kill even his own'' 22/10/10, 9:25 AM
72. ‘’If lives are stories, let mine be a bed time story’’ 10:30 AM 20/10/10
73. “The more your friends, the less their value to you.’’ – 13/5/10
74. “Your test comes from what you love best” 3/9/10, 6:43 AM
75. “True soldiers never retreat, they press, they bleed, and they fall hoping for victory.” – 3/9/10, 6:46 AM
“What a remarkable Day, Time and Season. (10th .10th .10th ) I.e. Tenth
day of the Tenth month, of the Two Thousandth and Tenth year. May the
good Lord keep watch over me and those that put their trust in Him.”
10/10/10, 5:05PM
77. “Do not curse when you are
far away, for when you come closer, shame will not permit you to behold the face you cursed – curse not at all. – 24/10/10, 11:11 AM
78. “Be sure of the water depth before you dive.” 29/10/10, 10:40 PM
“Those that had the bad road applied caution right from the beginning,
even when they arrived at the high way, even to the end. The ones with
the good road at the beginning crashed along the way – They assumed the
road was good all through, and because of the ditch in front, they fell,
for they did not see it. 5:38PM, 31/10/10
“Throw not away your friend because he cheated with your girl. Throw him
away because his handshake has gone limp.
“Because your friend lusted after your girl, he will not feed your
wife for free when you are away. Such, you must never trust even with
your friendship.”
82. “Sin is like a healing wound, sweet to peel. Afterward it restores the pains and enlarges the wound’’ 10:15PM, 9/11/10
83. “Do not peel the sore, let it heal.” 10:24PM, 9/11/10
“Make no man that’s got God as his all in all your enemy, when he rises
against you, you will wish you were not born, because of He that fights
for him – Make not men your enemies.” 4:05PM, 13/11/10
"At the beginning, sin presents an illusive beauty. At the end, it
shows forth the destruction that consumes totality and gives no occasion
to make amends.” 4:11PM, 13/11/10
86. "A story
made through thorns, written on books with flowers, read to the young
hearts and infants. Such is the story that makes my life." 9:40 AM,
87. "If you seek my wrongs,
many you shall find. If you love me the way the way I am, I will become
another delight in your life.” 8:09P, 19/11/10
"God is my inspiration. My heart is my vault. My arm is my voice. For
my lips are sealed for a time. My book is my audience; he that searches
through will share all I am given.” 8:25P, 19/11/10
“The seeds are sown, some grow, some die, some to the harvest,
some to barrenness, some for increase, some for the belly. The barn is
enlarged, the acres becomes hectares. As the cycle turns again, not all
get to the harvest again; such is the life of men.” 9:36P, 19/11/10
90. “A broken ring is a broken fellowship. All true rings are full circles that bind.” 1:00P, 28/11/10.
91. “The face alone does not qualify the beauty of a man.” 7:14A, 29/11/10.
92. “Most things that come cheap only add to your troubles.” 7:55A, 30/11/10
“What is called shame is that which put restrains upon men when
they ponder, without which a man looses his qualities.” 10:04 AM,
94. "He that knows not what you are thinking has no knowledge of the measures you employ to his defeat. 10:34Am, 03/12/10.
“As long as our need presses against us-we are sick daily, not of the
bodily pains alone, but of things we desire. I am yet to find a healthy
man.” 4:12P, 04/12/10
96. “Never give out what
you despise as a gift, except t is asked of someone that desires. Then,
give it out with much humility.” 7:35P, 08/12/10
“If you give out what you dislike, of what value is it if it means
nothing to you? There is much joy when another shares what we love.”
7:40P, 08/12/2010
98. “Sickness or health is in the heart. When the heart fails, all is fallen.” 10/12/10, 8:24P
“The greatest of all the trees of the forest was a seed, like every
other. She found her roots on a fertile ground and draws the waters it
rained.” 12/12/10, 8:35P
100. “A man that gets
passionate about family, country and humanity, becomes the most
dangerous weapon to use.” 12/12/10, 9:24P
101. “Passion is a fire that burns and breaks through anything.” 14/12/10, 9:55A
“Wherever you find Home, lay your head. But I wish you find it on the
bosom of Love. That is the address of a true Home” 14/12/10, 12:39P
103. “The crazy sweet things are the sweetest of things.” 14/12/10, 12:45P
104. “It is only where you find cheaper stuffs that you find more women.” 04/01/11, 6:12A
105. “Never disturb a still water.” 9/01/11, 6:47P
“The stronger the matter, the more the physical eyes closes to it.
Only with the eyes of the spirit can we visualize the spiritual things.”
9/01/11, 7:43P
107. "Never wait for tomorrow to show love" - 11:48AM, 11/01/11
108. “To understand the type of friend you have, you must not announce a particular visit.” 12/01/11, 9:49P
109. “The pains that 69 brings outweighs its pleasures.” 12/01/11, 9:53P
110. “A true extremist is one that is with the firsts or the lasts. Anywhere in the middle; he curses.” 14/01/11, 7:54A
“No matter how wicked a man can be, there is an iota of goodness that
he tries to suppress. Find it and cover the bad sides with it.”
14/01/11, 7:54A
112. “Every tomorrow is a chance to be better than today.” 16/01/11, 7:09P
113. “Cold or hot, no matter the degree, normalcy can be attained if it has not totally consumed.” 17/01/11, 7:07A
“A man that is sexually aroused becomes the worse fool the earth
recognizes, till the beast in him is satisfied. That is when he wished
he had self control. 19/01/11, 6:25A
115. “A great heart can do great things. But, only a good heart can do sweet great things.” 23/01/11, 4:23P
116. “The eyes are the only mirror of the mind that all can look into.”- 8:24 PM, 14/6/11
“The name does not make you, you make the name. When you ascend or
descend into the end point of either of the two ways presented before
men, your name speaks for you from the lips of men, and the heart
remembers with a smile or pity for the chance is gone. The stars sparkle
because heroes and the fulfilled are remembered. 14/6/11
“I lived my past getting ready for my present as I thirst for the
accomplishments of the future. For yesterday is gone.” 14/6/11
“Never be dismayed over the past, for all the roads led to this
moment. A path that was inevitable. Upon the thorns you trod, yanked by
the thistles, tumbled in the ditches and waded through the torrents,
just to get to now. Every moment is a welcome, for you journeyed so
far.” 14/6/11
120. “… A billion years, a million
years, a millennium, a century, a jubilee, a decade, a year, a month, a
day, an hour, a minute, and a second. Within, are the events of life.
For no moment is empty.” 14/6/11
121. "To forget is dangerous. You'd do it again." 19/6/11
"If its reason you search for? You will leave her like the last one.
Love the one you are with - Love her for no reason." 23/6/11
"Whoever is sorry with a but;... Is not sorry at all. Whoever is not
sorry at all, is not worth it. A sorry heart is a humbled heart."
124. "True forgiveness is such that when it remembers, it does with a large smile." 13/7/11
125. "Love can break the heart in either ways: To heal it or to destroy it." 10/8/11
126. "From a desperate man, flee! For he has lost the focus to lead you both." 13/8/11
"A man that is ready to do anything for money has lost faith in God,
integrity for self, and has no love for you. Such is the reason he will
give you away without a blink." 13/8/11
128. "Call it
Benjamins, Cheeze, Chadaz, Cash, Boza, Crisp, Kudi,...Just like Moses
means Musa in Hausa language; it means Money. If you can do anything for
mammon, it says you have nothing left that is worthy." 13/8/11
129. "Only happy people grow and tend flowers." 14/8/11
130. "It is difficult to forget the one that broke the heart, than the one that healed it." 15/8/11
131. "When you feel so bad, do not respond." 17/8/11
132. "Do not hide your appreciation, if you do, you will find nothing more to appreciate." 17/8/11
133. “Never introduce your friends to your family or friends in a language he/she does not understand.” - 8:36pm, 24/8/11.
134. “Every single thing contributes to the survival of everything . Non is unimportant. – 11:11Pm, 31/8/11.
135. “When I turned and saw the children, I knew the future is alive that needs great guidance.” 11:04pm, 31/8/11.
136. “Better to be physically blind than spiritually blind.” 7:30A, 07/09/11
“Life is not about eating, drinking, sleeping and waking, but
what we do in-between that brings us joy. Thus, if I die tonight,
remember that I lived fulfilled. Oh! How I lived.” 11/9/11, 8:32A.
138. “Never let people think for you.” 7:16P, 11/9/11
139. “When you find success, beware of pride, for she lurks around, and carries destruction with her.” 11/9/11, 9:31P
140. “Beware of him/her whom you despise. For in the time of life, you may find rest in his/her sanctuary.”” 15/9/11, 9:16P
“Life is a school of many degrees, where some acquire much of
which the last is deaths’ for all her students.”
142. “The time you spend hoping they’ll understand you is enough to plant a field and increase your barn.” 7:20P, 20/9
143. “Conclude not on a matter without a dialogue. Worse it is, when only heard.” – 8:55P, 20/9/11
“You don’t find your enemy in the depths, heights, or space of
life.Your enemies are closer than your thoughts.” 9:00P
145. “Two cannot progress together if they both struggle to be heard of the other.” 9:06P, 20/9/11
146. TBC...
Moses Kogis
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