Monday 10 September 2012


I am here today, for I chose
I am here today, for to serve
In strength, in faithfulness, in patriotism
In wisdom, in faith, in courage
If there be a hurricane, I will stand the tide
For all I believe; God first and Man trails
From this circuit streaming to the nation

Because I am SERVICOM
If I can see in the dark
A Lion I must be
If I can soar the skies
An Eagle I must be
If I can cross countries in the deep
A whale I must be

If you must fly, come to me
If you must see, take my sights
If you are drowning, hold on to my fins
Yet! I will be your voice
Yet! I will be your servant
Yet! We are entwined
This is me, I am ‘’SERVICOM’’. 


A conversation between ‘Q’ and his ‘Blind Date’ (BD). From the movie: “If You Are the One.”

Q:           Pardon me
BD:         Hm!?
Q:           I’ve got two dates. Please don’t mind my efficiency
BD:         No problem. I’m a stock trader
                A real bear market lately
                Using my spare time to find a husband
                Once the market turns around, I won’t have time
                Do you play the stock market?
Q:           No
                Don’t understand it
BD:         Seeking a marriage partner is like trading stocks
                You have to make your decisions based on a rational analysis of performance
For instance, the candidate’s looks or body figure, or, his personality and education, or, his finances and family background or…
Q:           So,
                If I were a stock, how would I rate?
BD:         Judging from your age and looks
                You’ve sunk below your offer price
Q:           So, I’m in danger of being delisted?
BD:         Not necessarily
                In-experience traders often buy high
                But that’s very risky
                It’s very easy to get trapped
                More experienced traders buy low
                A stock like you with bad performance, most won’t touch you
                Few would show interest
                Thus, you’re a low risk
                You’re already at the bottom
                Can’t go any lower
Q:           So, for a stock like me bought low
                Would you invest long-term; or just ‘Pump-and-dump’?
BD:         Pump-and-dump?
                Do you have explosive potential?
                I’d buy long-term and hold it
Q:           what if you held it for a while, but found its performance lacking?
BD:         “Don’t worry
                I’m not stupid
                I’d diversify
                They can’t all underperform right?
                No one’s that unlucky”
‘Q’ got on the phone:
                You’re here?
                I’m here
                I see you
                Wait for me
                Order whatever you like. It’s on me.
‘Q” turned to ‘BD’.
Q:           I feel obligated to warn you
                I’m very risky
                Best to keep your distance
                If you get stuck with me
                I’d be useless and unsightly
                Might never be able to get rid of me
                As an investment
                I’d be subprime
                Only a criminal will sell me to you
                Let’s stop trading for today
BD:         I also have another stock to see at six O’clock
                Go ahead and chat with her
                The whole market is down right now
                But don’t jump in blindly
Q:           Don’t rush it
                Wait and see.

The Snake, Chameleon and the Camel:

    Once upon a time: There lived a man called Mezuzah that had a wonderful son named Ed.
Ed. was all Mezuzah had as in children. When he was about to die, he sent for his son
Now, Ed. was at the farm working while the father sent, but before he could arrive, the father died.
     Ed. was so grieved because the father had three things to tell him, and he couldn’t get to hear them. So he wondered back into the forest. While on his way, he met Mr. Snake.

    Mr. Snake had never seen him like that. So he asked: “What is wrong that you look so sad like this Ed.?” He answered and said: “My father sent for me, but before I could reach home he died, and he’d always told me that before he die, there are three things he was going to tell me. Now that he is dead and I don’t know these things I cannot rest.” Mr. Snake laughed, and said: “I know one of those three things he was going to tell you. Hear now; do you see how beautiful I am, how my skin glitters? Everybody would desire to touch and even cuddle me. But because of my mouth, no one will dear touch me, and thus avoid me or kill me. Your father meant to tell you about me.”

       Ed. thanked him and proceeded. Yet! Unsatisfied because of the two he knows not. As he pondered and walked, he met Mr. Chameleon.
Mr. Chameleon quickly noticed his mood too! Because they are not used to seeing Ed. like that, he asked the same questions and Ed. repeated all he told Mr. Snake. Mr. Chameleon now said: “I   know one of the things your father meant to tell you. You see; I am slow, my feet looks feeble, but I know where to place them as I walk, no matter how far I always get there unexhausted. When am around, you may not even notice because I take the color of my environment, and nobody seem to notice me, then I don’t get in anybody’s ways.”

      He thanked Mr. Chameleon and proceeded. Yet! Unsatisfied because of the last he knows not. As he pondered and walked, he met Mr. Camel.
Mr. Camel hailed him and they exchanged pleasantries. He went further and enquired why Ed. was gloomy. Ed. repeated all he told Mr. Snake and Chameleon. Mr. Camel looked at Ed. and smiled, and said: “I know one of the things your father meant to tell you. Do you see how tall I am? But even a child can take hold of my leash and I’d follow anywhere he cared to lead me. I really don’t fight it. I just follow.”

The Color of Truth:

It reflects every other color
Black can not comprehend, she rejects her and flee
When forcefully mixed with another, will it remain?
Such a vesture she is
The color of truth is white

Men hate to wear upon them, for it reveals the dirt
When  they do, they hide it beneath the dark
Choking it with a rope
Stained, if washed with others
To fade by and by
The color of truth is white

She stands and works alone
Yet! Not sweet to the taste, nor pleasant to the ears
She needs no explaining
When vexed sore in your hiding, she burst open like a new wine in an old vessel
Hide her not, she can’t be hidden.
The color of truth is still white


  This morning as I was going to work, I saw this “mad” woman. She was so hungry that she walked up to a tea man (Mai Shayi) and gave him ten naira (#10) for a piece of bread. He looked at her at a glance and tried to shu! her away forever. She stood her ground with the money in her hand unshaken. When he could not bear the embarrassment any more, he gave her a piece of bread then. She received the bread and presented him the money, but he refused to take it. She got frustrated I guess and dropped the money on a concrete slab beside his service hut. Then his reasoning came alive to prompt his empathy…I couldn’t picture the rest of the drama because I advanced in my strides.

              As I walked on, I pondered deeply about the whole event that transpired. Then I asked myself: “Who is actually a mad man or woman?” Look at it; this “mad” woman knew that money is to be spent in the acquisition of needs and wants, if you should add, and instead of exhibiting the characteristics of a certified mad fella by going to the tea man and grab a loaf of bread from the table, she used some money she recognized as ten naira to get her need lawfully.

              I have come across ‘mad’ people in my life that truthfully did not sound mad at all. I conversed with them, and would swear they were not mad at all. I was giving one money some years back when I served in the east, at least once a month. One day I brought her the money like I was used to and she stopped and asked me, “Why do you give me money?” She said. I was like: Wow! This woman is not mad after all. So I said: “because I want you to buy things”. And she said: “Thank you” and I answered, “You are welcome”. I was moved to start helping them when one day still in the east, I went to the market to buy stuffs, and I saw this “mad” fella at the market buying stuffs too! I tell you, the trader took the cash without hesitation. Then I figured out how much right they have like we the “not mads”.  Countless experiences have I had with “mad” people that convinced me that it must have another definition of what they exhibit than be called madness. Thus, I have come to learn that as you see people in your eyes, so did you place them in your heart. Our actions stems from our hearts.

               Who is truly a mad fella then, is it not that fella that has lost his/her conscience? I am so sure that a mad fella is a thief; a robber, that one that divert funds put under his care to care for the masses; he that do no justice; he that has no truth upon his lips; he that curses; he that trouble others; he that does countless evil; he that’s got love for no one, and it is  also that man that does not fear and respect God – Yes, that is a mad fella.