Tuesday 6 May 2014

ASA Lyrics: "Questions"

Tell me how many women childhood dreams come to past?
Tell me how many movies turn out real?
There are so many questions?
Questions I'll like to ask?
So you can understand exactly how I feel?

Tell me how many people wish they were someone else
Someone they think the world wants them to be?
Tell me how many babies will be born just to die?
Leaving me with these questions
Asking why

Tell me how do trees whisper?
How do birds learn to sing?
And how does the rainbow stay the same?
How do bees make their honey?
How do they learn to sting?
Can a broken heart get back to heal again?

How do people get so busy they don't find time to love?
What's the truth behind why people go to war?
Why is there so much religion yet there's so little love?
Will I ever get to know the truth some day?

Where's the youth who's gonna dare - where's the elder who really cares?
Why do people believe things they know aren’t true?
When you look into the mirror who do you see?
Why do we have to grow to be wise?

Sunday 20 April 2014

In Christ Alone - Natalie Grant


                                       In Christ Alone:

In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my Song
This Corner Stone, this Solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and Storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, where strivings cease
My Comforter, my All-in-All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

                In Christ alone, who took on flesh
                Fullness of God in helpless Babe!
                This gift of love and righteousness
                Scorned by the ones He came to save
                Till on that Cross as Jesus died
                The wrath of God was satisfied
                For every sin, on Him was laid
                Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground, His body laid
Light of the World by Darkness slain
Then bursting forth, in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grips on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry, to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of Hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hands
Till He returns or calls me home 
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

Friday 20 December 2013


"Folks, we are so good with abbreviations that we are fast
replacing the Webster Dictionary in our own contexts.
I know we love shortcuts. But we must realize that there are
times when we have to go round about the Hill. What is X-ed
is usually used to negate a fact or something we disagree
with, or may be we have deleted.
Christmas is of full ranking amongst festivals and must be
acknowledged appropriately.
There is 'Christ' in the 'mas'. He is the reason for the season.
I truly don't know who the hell 'X' is. Thus, it's 'Christmas'
and not 'Xmas'. An error we have observed from I dunno
O! How I wish that everyday of my life will be a celebration
like unto a Christmas.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas season."

Saturday 30 November 2013

"Some Gets To Say Goodbye!"

"I have been in deep thoughts since yesterday after I received
a call telling me that a woman I knew had passed on to glory.
Am sure it's glory.
When her children waited for my condolence call to come
through for about 3weeks, the daughter decided to call me
yesterday believing that I must not have heard. But deep
inside me I knew she must have wondered why I did not call
sooner knowing how their mother held me in high esteem. I
was short of words as I listened to the daughter. Then my
mind started playing back.
Before the 18th day of Oct. 2013, 'Yar garin mu' (daughter of
our hometown) as I did call her and while she called me 'Dan
garin mu' (son of our hometown). She called me on phone and
told me she needed me to forgive every wrong she'd ever
wronged me. I told her that she has never wronged me, but
she insisted she needed to hear me say that. That she was
making peace with all men, and that she feel it's about time to
go home. I felt it in my heart too. We talked like a younger
brother to an older sister, just the way we were used to. I
could feel her peace radiating into me as we ended the
conversation. About a week or more later, she called that she
needed my assistance, confusingly for me, I just borrowed all
I had, but as I heard the voice of the Lord in my heart I had to
part with about half of it, but I could not send it that day
because it was a Friday and past banking time, so, I hoped for
Monday to come and it seemed like everlasting, but patience
helped me pulled through my anxiety. Miraculously, that same
Friday's night I earned more than I have purposed in my heart
to give her, but sadly, am sure it was greedily, for I did not
increase the amount I purposed seeing that I have made more.
God, am sorry. Though she needed the little I gave her, but I
should have done more. That was goodbye between me and
'Yar garin mu'. About two weeks and four days later she died,
as I was told.
I pondered on all the events as they clouded my mind. I
remembered the first time I met her at work for she was our
janitor and a colleague while we worked together, but most
importantly she was my friend. I remember all her wise
counsels. She believed in me when no one did. She was a
perfect big sister.
Now, I reason, looking at us in this life, our deeds, our
hardheartedness, our unkindness, our endless struggles daily
just to make ends meet which never does and in the process
letting the most important things in life slip by. What are the
races for? I asked myself over and over again, when in
actualization there is nothing we can hold unto in this life
forever. Can we hold unto a brother, a sister, a mother, a
father, a dear friend, a lover, a posh job, or a fine face forever?
I wonder! I still do. From this world, some gets to say
goodbye! While many never did. 'Yar garin mu' told me
something she was so certain about, she said: "I am going
home, till we meet in Heaven." When, she told me to pray for
her, all I found myself telling God was to forgive her all her
wrongs and accept her back home, for she was sore even in
her illness and spoke as one that was ready to cross over.
Be good to all. It might be the last act of kindness you may be
opportune to render. We can't hold anything forever, but we
can leave our memories written in gold, we can leave
footprints that can never disappear. We can leave our lives to
be told as bed times stories. Yes! We can. It starts with a
simple act of love and kindness. Goodbye! 'Yar garin mu', till
my time is done, when the Reaper shall find me homeward

Sunday 10 February 2013


Na sami nasara
Yabani nasara ye!
Yesu  dutsen ceto na
Na jingina gare ka
Yesu dutsen ceto na
Na dogara gare ka

                Kai ka bani rai
                Kai ka bani wakoki
                Kai ka tuna da ni
                Kai ka share hawaye
                Mai ceto, mai ceto na, mai ceto, kai ka dai
                Ni zan yabi sunnan ka
                Mai ceto, mai ceto na, mai ceto, kak ka dai
                Ni zan yabi sunnan ka

Said to cast my cares on you
Because you really care for me
Of all the people in the world
Lord you know me by my name,
Am not a servant in your house
You’re my father and am your son
You’re my glory, and the lifter of my head
(Lifter of my head)
You’re my shield, my exceedingly great reward
(Yes, you are the one)
                Mai ceto, mai ceto na, mai ceto, kai ka dai
                Ni zan yabi sunnan ka
                Mai ceto, mai ceto na, mai ceto, kai ka dai
                Ni zan yabi sunnan ka

You set a table before me
O! Yes! You did
You’ll never leave nor forsake me
No! No! You won’t
Nasara kai ka bani – nagode
Ceto kai ka bani – nagode
Lord, you are my help,
Lord, you are my strength
Lord no matter the cold I will never be afraid
Lord, you are my love,
Lord you are my Life,
You are my reward and forever am a winner
(Mai ceto, mai ceto na, mai ceto, kai ka dai
Ni zan yabi sunnan ka)
Am a winner 4x
Sarkin duniya
Sarkin runduna
Sarkin salama
Kai ne mai iko
Babu wani kamar ka
Almasihu, kai ne mai mulki
 Almasihu, kai ne mai ceto
Almasihu, kai ne mai mulki
kai ne mai iko 2x
kai ne mai mulki
Waiyo Allah na!
Waiyo Yesu na
Waiyo Allah na!
Put your hands in the air
You know Jesus cares – till fade

Monday 10 September 2012


I am here today, for I chose
I am here today, for to serve
In strength, in faithfulness, in patriotism
In wisdom, in faith, in courage
If there be a hurricane, I will stand the tide
For all I believe; God first and Man trails
From this circuit streaming to the nation

Because I am SERVICOM
If I can see in the dark
A Lion I must be
If I can soar the skies
An Eagle I must be
If I can cross countries in the deep
A whale I must be

If you must fly, come to me
If you must see, take my sights
If you are drowning, hold on to my fins
Yet! I will be your voice
Yet! I will be your servant
Yet! We are entwined
This is me, I am ‘’SERVICOM’’. 


A conversation between ‘Q’ and his ‘Blind Date’ (BD). From the movie: “If You Are the One.”

Q:           Pardon me
BD:         Hm!?
Q:           I’ve got two dates. Please don’t mind my efficiency
BD:         No problem. I’m a stock trader
                A real bear market lately
                Using my spare time to find a husband
                Once the market turns around, I won’t have time
                Do you play the stock market?
Q:           No
                Don’t understand it
BD:         Seeking a marriage partner is like trading stocks
                You have to make your decisions based on a rational analysis of performance
For instance, the candidate’s looks or body figure, or, his personality and education, or, his finances and family background or…
Q:           So,
                If I were a stock, how would I rate?
BD:         Judging from your age and looks
                You’ve sunk below your offer price
Q:           So, I’m in danger of being delisted?
BD:         Not necessarily
                In-experience traders often buy high
                But that’s very risky
                It’s very easy to get trapped
                More experienced traders buy low
                A stock like you with bad performance, most won’t touch you
                Few would show interest
                Thus, you’re a low risk
                You’re already at the bottom
                Can’t go any lower
Q:           So, for a stock like me bought low
                Would you invest long-term; or just ‘Pump-and-dump’?
BD:         Pump-and-dump?
                Do you have explosive potential?
                I’d buy long-term and hold it
Q:           what if you held it for a while, but found its performance lacking?
BD:         “Don’t worry
                I’m not stupid
                I’d diversify
                They can’t all underperform right?
                No one’s that unlucky”
‘Q’ got on the phone:
                You’re here?
                I’m here
                I see you
                Wait for me
                Order whatever you like. It’s on me.
‘Q” turned to ‘BD’.
Q:           I feel obligated to warn you
                I’m very risky
                Best to keep your distance
                If you get stuck with me
                I’d be useless and unsightly
                Might never be able to get rid of me
                As an investment
                I’d be subprime
                Only a criminal will sell me to you
                Let’s stop trading for today
BD:         I also have another stock to see at six O’clock
                Go ahead and chat with her
                The whole market is down right now
                But don’t jump in blindly
Q:           Don’t rush it
                Wait and see.